Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Origins of Hot Mess

I'm often asked, after the giggling stops, where and why did I choose "Hot Mess" as a name for my business.
The answer is simple- if you cant make fun of yourself and have fun in your business- then what's the point? I admit freely to being a "Hot Mess", (decidedly more of a 'mess' than 'hot'),  but I take great pride just hearing the giggles and seeing the smiles and smirks when I say - .." this is 'Hot Mess calling" or my that business name is spelt "H-o-t M-e-s-s".
So with this all in mind and keeping with the energy of the name I have decided to make this blog informative of our events, updates and new products and to share my successes and abysmal failures but also a place to share a laugh, a link, or  a funny story. From the ideas I have running around in my head  to the pure absurd things I hear or stumble upon and have shared with me.
So enjoy and take pride in being every little bit of the 'Hot Mess' you are ( and trust me - you are !)

Here's todays funnie :

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